
Monday, May 6, 2013

Doing Me

It's Day 6 of the blogging everyday through May challenge with Jenni and much of the blogging world. What do I do if I can't write about what I do (job wise)?
Well, my job is kind of about doing what I love right now because I have an amazing husband who is giving me the flexibility to pursue my passions. I do photos; when I am working and when I am not working; with my DSLR and with my iPhone (though poo on those photos because I still haven't gotten the iPhone thing down, I just joined that revolution a few months ago); of anything and everything.  I am blessed that I now get to explore taking that love to a new level.  I am loving doing that; even though sometimes it still fills me with a bit of anxiety.

I love kids. This is also done when I am working and not.  I do love my kids I nanny for, just as I do love spending time with my nieces and nephews.  We had my niece over the weekend and I spent my time doing the Aunt Mel thing.  I love being called Aunt Mel (to date it is my favorite name in the world).  I do nails, I do stories, I do lullabies and I do night-night and good morning hugs and cuddles. Love!
Outside of those two loves I do me. I do movie nights with Babe.  I do dinner and drinks with friends.  I sometimes do a night out (though not very often; I am also doing the getting old thing). I do church. I do a good book while basking in the sun on the patio, or at the beach, or in the tub (though obviously the tub part wouldn't be in the sun because well, ain't nobody gunna wanna see that).  I do too much TV when I sit down to catch up on just one show, which then turns into just one a few more. I do the wifey thing (though that is the hardest role to learn), the friend thing, the sister thing, and the daughter thing. I do the alone time thing which consists of either, a sometimes two hour, bath or some Audrey Hepburn movie watching.  I do movies to put me to sleep on nights when my brain just won't stop running, usually Harry Potter or some Haley Mills movie because they both soothe me (Harry because I love it and it comforts me and Haley Mills because something about her voice and demeanor lulls me like a lullaby). I sometimes do a little bit of the cray and a little bit of the worry thing, I mean I am a woman, it seems to be ingrained. I guess I just do life. I try to embrace the little moments, I cringe at the ones that could provoke change, and I mourn the ones that bring lose. It all adds up to life though so I guess I just do the living thing; just living my way. I do me!


  1. The one show turning into one more and on and on? Totally get it. And Haley Mills!! Haven't heard her mentioned in years, but I sure love me some original Parent Trap.

  2. I refuse to have a tv in my bedroom, this means I wake up on the couch because there's always one more I want to watch - great post good luck with the rest of the challenge.


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