
Monday, September 21, 2015

Joy will Come in the Morning! Small Monday Blessings

Happy Monday World! 
It's not often that I am up to see the sunrise. Well, at least not up enough to go out and enjoy it. This morning though I woke up in the dark, got ready as quickly as I could, so that my sweet husband could drop me at the airport. He's a morning person and I am not, but he patiently waited while I stumbled around trying to get ready, all the while making him late for work. He had surprised me with a flight to Birmingham so that I could visit on of my dearest friends, who had her sweet baby boy recently. I haven't gotten to meet him yet and I can't wait to go snuggle him and hug her new mama neck! 

Anyways, we were up and out right as the sun was beginning to rise and the colors were gorgeous. The above photo does no justice to show the vivid colors and breathtaking light. The sun through the clouds, pushing up into the day, was a sight that my soul needed! It had been a tough weekend, but the reminder that joy will come in the morning was so good for my soul. There are little blessings to be thankful for each and everyday and this morning God reminded me of that in only the way that His handiwork can. Today I am thankful for that, I am thankful for time away to spend with a good friend and I am thankful for the blessing of a sweet man who loves me well. 

Hoping your Monday morning finds you catching small joys that come with a new day! 


  1. What a nice surprise from your husband! I hope you have safe travels and enjoy time with your friend and her new baby. I'm not much of a morning person either... my husband is too. It's a struggle at times getting up so early, but wow look at that sunrise! That always makes it worth getting up so early.

  2. <3 Sometimes seeing the sunrise is just what the soul needs... Sometimes! :-) I hope you have a wonderful trip! <3


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