
Friday, October 9, 2015

October Currently!

Oh October! 
How I love thee! 
Especially when Florida decides to finally comprehend that October means Fall weather should arrive. Linking up with the lovely ladies of the Currently Series {Jenna & Anne} and the 5 on Friday gals to share a little of what's going on in my world for this glorious month!  
Eating } Our way through Trader Joe's delicious pizzas! Such yummy, quick and easy meals! Don't forget to add the honey! Honey and pizza is my jam! 
Exploring } All the places!! Our most recent adventure took us to Weeki Wachee where we kayaked the beautiful spring and got to meet the mermaids! 
Wearing } Long sleeves!! For the first time in a long time I was able to put them on. I am not sure if this Florida chill will last, but I am loving it! 
Admiring } My dad and the other men of Mind, Body and Soul Surf Co. for their continued work at helping those who fight addiction. I admire the steps they have taken that have brought them to the point they are at and their work at setting up their first Run 4 Recovery. You can read more about it in Wednesday's post.
Collecting } Trinkets from all of our adventures. Everywhere we go I have been collecting little mementos (shells, cure little pine cones, etc) to make into either ornaments or add to a jar that I want to get for Flo. My plan is to write on them in fine point Sharpie the name of the place we found them so that we have a little keepsake of each of the places we have been. 

And now I am off to enjoy this lovely weather that only finds it's way to Florida for 5 days each year! 
Hope your weekend is beautiful and glorious! How's your October currently? 

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Thanks for stopping by for a bit!
I love comments, they make me smile :) Hope you are having a wonderful day!