
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

January Currently

Hello 2016!! Hello January!! Hello to another year to make mistakes, get things right a time or two and just soak in everything that this year has to offer! 

I'm linking up with Jenna and Anne for the first Currently Link-up of the year. Here is what my year is currently looking like... 

~Loving~ Our most recent Flo adventure!! It was Flo's first big, out-of-Florida trip and she loved every minute! We traveled to Savannah, Georgia and I can't wait to share our adventure with you all. 

~Organizing~ All the pictures and videos from our trip, so that I can get them ready to share next week in a post (or two) about our big adventure! 

~Craving~ Oysters! Just thinking about our trip has me remembering all the yumminess that we enjoyed and the oysters were ah-mazing!! Can we go back now?! 

~Resolving~ My resolution for the year is actually not to have one. I am letting go of all the musts, the need-to-dos, the weight of worrying and trying to control things. I guess in some ways it is a resolution, but it's not. I have nothing to live up to, no goal I HAVE TO meet; instead I just want to live in each moment. I want to soak in this year and look for ways to find happiness in even the smallest of details. Maybe that is a resolution after all? Find happiness... 

~Reading~ Back in November I wrote a review on the Instant Happy Journal. It is a great little journal for thinking on happy things all year (or letting go of the bad ones)! I have skimmed it. I have answered a few of the prompts in my head or with friends as we scroll through the book when we are watching TV (it currently sits on my coffee table). I am excited to really start writing down my thoughts each day (or maybe every third, because who am I kidding, it will probably be an as I remember thing). I really want to start being more conscious of the happy moments. Happiness isn't a destination, it's a journey and a way of viewing our circumstances. 

In 2015 I challenged myself to posting one Instagram picture each day of something I was thankful for; some little moment in the day that made my heart happy. It wasn't as easy as I thought it might be. Some days there were so many moments that I could have posted, other days I would get home at night and realize that I hadn't taken a single picture. I would think back on the day and realize the moments that I had failed to appreciate for what they were. Other days were hard days; days that made it harder to find joy. But I finished out the year! I looked for ways to find light in even the cloudiest of days and it is really nice to have that to look back on. I am not attempting that again this year. At least, not on Instagram. Daily was a lot and I really just want to enjoy the moments and live in them without feeling like I have to grab my phone (it will make Babe a lot happier too; he and my phone have a pretty strong disliking of one another). Instead I am going to blog once a month about just 5 things that have made me happy that month! Want to join me?! I figure the best way to find happiness and spread joy is to share those things with one another. So on the last Monday of each month (because Monday is a great day for some happiness boosting inspiration) I will be posting my 5 happy things and would love for you to share some happiness too (it can be 5 things, it can be one thing, really just any post that shares something happy)! More details to come on the 25th!

To kick-start the year of #happythings2016 I am giving away a copy of the Instant Happy Journal to one happy reader! Maybe you can share one of your responses to the prompts for your happy post! Happy entering friends!! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hoping your year is off to a great start! 
What is your January looking like currently? 


  1. Oysters - something I've yet to try! lol. I just don't know if I can bring myself to do it. lol. I found your blog from the link up today (and although I didn't link up, I'm glad I found your blog through it!)

    1. Oh my goodness! You need to! I was a skeptic for the longest time too, swore I didn't like them! Now? I can't get enough. Start slowly with heavy steamed, dip it in butter, put it on a saltine and then squeeze lemon over it! Oh yum! Thanks for stopping by! I am glad you found me too :) Can't wait to go explore your space!

  2. Happy New Year! I hope that you kick things off to a great start and continue to have great moments like the ones mentioned above :)

  3. I think thats a good goal, especially with two littles! Hope you find some quiet moments to check some of them off your list!!

  4. I hope that i can read more books this year.. :)

  5. I want to learn how to write calligraphy. The art of writing is becoming a thing of the past and I want to do my part to keep it alive,

  6. That Instagram challenge you set for yourself last year -- wow -- I don't think I'd have made it past the first week, haha! That's a lot of pressure. The journal sounds fabulous though, and I love the heart behind it!

    1. Haha, it was definitely and undertaking for sure! I think the journal might be a little easier! Thanks for stopping by :) Happy Saturday!

  7. I would love this book. Thanks for the chance!

  8. Savannah is on my list of places to visit - sounds great! And this journal sounds great too. Thanks for linking up!


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I love comments, they make me smile :) Hope you are having a wonderful day!