
Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday Thoughts

Because Friday! And we made it! 
And this week has made me tired (you know those weeks) and I needed something pretty to look at! So here's to pretty and here's to the weekend and here's to little time to r-e-s-t! 

* This photo was taken at a drill site in Costa Rica. This morning I was talking about the fundraiser that is being planned to support Agua Viva Serves and their mission in Costa Rica and I thought I'd flip through pictures of my trip there last year. Working in Costa Rica, to drill wells for families who don't have access to clean water, is such a humbling experience. They live in such a stunningly beautiful place, but they lack some of the daily things we take for granted, like the fact that brushing our teeth doesn't also come with the risk of making us sick. I learn so much, each time I go, from they way they live their lives with full hearts to their welcoming spirits and they way they take such pride in all that they do have. And today I am thankful for those reminders. 

Hoping your Friday is full of reminders that make you thankful!

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Thanks for stopping by for a bit!
I love comments, they make me smile :) Hope you are having a wonderful day!