
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Words for Wednesday: Read your Heart to Me

If you handed me pages from your soul, which would you choose to share? 
We all have our own stories,
tucked closely in and held tight. 
Think about each page of your soul,
which pages are ripped and torn, 
which have dog-eared edges because you've returned so many times?
Do you only share the crisp and pristine pages, 
the ones that shine and glisten and gleam so much
that you barely want to touch them for fear of damaging them? 
Share them all! 
Share the pages so worn by tears it's hard to even read the words. 
Share them for yourself, 
to free your heart of the weight of them, 
but share them for others too. 
Share them, 
because you never know who so desperately needs to hear them. 
Share them,
You never know who is grasping for breath 
and praying they aren't alone. 
Share all the pages and stories that have brought you 
to where you are now, 
because it's in fully opening our hearts 
that we give others the chance to truly love us.
It is in fully opening our hearts, 
that we truly learn to love ourselves. 
I have had the Jonny Ox quote saved for a while and I passed over it again today. Today felt like a good day for processing feelings and getting it all out. After a few days of heart-stuff and a few tears this morning after breakfast with good friends, it just felt like a day for a little bit of release. Share your heart with someone today. Share the things you've felt you have been needing to say. I know it might be scary, and sometimes it might even hurt, share it anyways! 

1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by for a bit!
I love comments, they make me smile :) Hope you are having a wonderful day!