
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

A February Currently Giveaway!

Happy February!! 
Joining in with this month's Currently edition for a little peek at my month! 

{Packing} I am technically still unpacking from our trip to Vegas, because I am HORRIBLE at unpacking from a trip (it was a month ago)! But I think I will just save some of those clothes and throw them in Flo for our trip out to Peace River next weekend!

{Jonesing} For a good cup of coffee!! I have been trying to cut back on my endless coffee consumption and I think I am doing well... at least until someone asks me what I want. "A cup of coffee! A very strong cup of coffee!!" If you are jonesing for a cup or two yourself there are a few days left to enter my 'Adventure Fuel' giveaway over on Instagram!

{Texting} There are typically about two people in my life that I am texting on a consistent basis; either the hubs or my bestie. So I am sure it's one of them. A lot of them lately have read "adulting is hard! Why didn't anyone tell us that adulting was for the birds?!"

{Reading} A couple different things; including The Mapmakers Apprentice for book club, which is the second book in the Glass and Steel series. I had never even heard of the series until the first book was picked for last month's read. We were all so enthralled with it that the second book was picked for this month! I am also halfway through Sketchy Tacos, a new YA travel novel by Meg D. Gonzalez. I have actually never really read a travel fiction novel before and am loving it! Having the scenes of a different culture set the backdrop, while the storyline of the main character, Mila, plays out is really neat! Check back in on the 8th for more about Sketchy Tacos and an interview with the author! In the meantime take a peek at the book trailer here.

{Hearting} Amazingly sweet friends who know my love for adventure well and the new double hammock they got us! Can't wait to try it out soon!! I am also hearting their gorgeous videos! Amanda and Dustin make up the Simple & Speraw team. They are a wonderful couple, with huge hearts and awesome videography skills! Any video needs in your future? Definitely plan to check them out! 

Thanks for stopping by! 
What is your February currently looking like?! 


  1. I've not heard of either of the books your reading, so I'll have to check them out! I've been thinking I need to cut back/give up coffee lately too :( I don't want to!

    1. It's definitely a hard thing to cut back on! Not going to lie I am currently drinking a Starbucks cold brew :/ But I made it two without a cup (or a headache) so I decided to treat myself!! And yes, they are great! Let me know if you end up reading either!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing Melanie. I've got to say it's super exciting (and a big weird still) to see my name and my book getting out there. This February and I'm hunkering down to write book 2 in the Sketchy Tacos series. I'm jonesing for a double chocolate chip cookie from Subway and I'm reading A Blind Spot for Boys by Justina Chen. Great book :)

    1. Definitely exciting and such a huge accomplishment to get a book finished and out there! Can't wait to read the 2nd one. Hope you can enjoy that cookie while you write a bit! That's another one I haven't heard of, thanks for sharing :) I love new books for my list!

  3. Haha my texting to my spouse and my BFF have been kind of the same lately. But more like "why is momming so hard?!" And these books both sound great - will have to add to my list. Thanks for joining in!

    1. Haha! All this adulting stuff! And least momming has the sweet little snuggle attached :)

  4. Oh, I could go for a hammock right now! Glad you are enjoying your books. I've never heard of Sketchy Tacos but I love a good YA.



Thanks for stopping by for a bit!
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