
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Hello 2018!! Our January Currently

Hello January and 
HELLO 2018!! 
Life's Sweet Journey

We've been a little quite around these parts; trying to really soak up the holidays and time with family, but are excited to jump back into the swing of things and share all that we've been up to. Our weekly Road Talk videos will resume next Tuesday, along with some more blog posts about our time in Asheville, but until then I can't think of a better way to kick off the new year than with a little January Currently fun! Here is what we've been up to so far this year: 

{Starting} To really get used to seeing all these gorgeous mountain sunsets! We have had one beautiful color display every night for the last two weeks and I am not one bit sad about it! 

{Hoping} That Delilah (our camper) has no frozen/ burst pipes or any damage from the freezing temperatures we've had while we have been in Tennessee. She has been parked down in the woods, at the base of my mom's property, while we are enjoying the warmth of the house. We are keeping a space heater set on low and have been checking on her everyday, but we won't really know if there were any issues until we get back on the road. Prayers are very welcome! 

{Scheduling} The next few months on the road! We know we are heading back to Orlando, for a wedding in March, but until then we are are kind of flying by the seat of our pants. We have general destinations, but no actual spots booked. When you plan to be set in one spot for the first three months, only to have those plans fall through, it really throws you for a loop. But hey, I guess that's what we signed up for when we took the leap into full-time RV life! #Bringiton! 

{Reading} I've actually been able to finish quite a few books these past couple weeks! My most recent being Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult. Not one of her favorites of mine, but if you enjoy books with a strong animal focus it's a very interesting read.  We are currently listening to Queen of the Tearling anytime we're the road to our next destination and really enjoying it! I have also been reading the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone to my niece before bed all week and been LOVING every minute of that time together! 

{Playing} With my sweet niece! The hardest thing about being on the road has been being apart from family. It was especially hard not being with them for the holidays. We already knew we would see my parents the week of New Years, at my mom's mountain house in Tennessee, but we got the bonus treat of one of my nieces being able to come too! My sis-in-love had to work all week and with my niece being out of school, and us missing her like CRAZY, my parents decided to bring her with them to "the Blue House". My heart was in absolute heaven!! 


  1. What is your RV life for? Are you doing traveling work or is it more of an adventure? I think that sounds fun.

    I agree, traveling is wonderful but it is hard to be away from family. I'm glad you got some time with them during the holidays.

    1. More of an adventure, or really a lifestyle change I guess. We are working while we are on the road, but we teach English online, so we are able to work as long as we have wifi. We wanted to do something a little different for a while and try and make a go of full-time travel. It's definitely been an adjustment, but it's been a lot of fun for sure :)

  2. I am finding so many great new blogs to add to my list from the Currently Link Up. Jodi Picoult is on my list to read too. Looking forward to reading more about your RV travels.

    Happy New Year, Melanie!

  3. I love that you are reading to your niece. There's is nothing like reading with kids and I feel like those memories are always the strongest for the child (and the grownup).

    1. Yes :) Some of my most vidid memories as a kid are reading with my mom before bed.

  4. Ooh, gorgeous sunset. And yay for good reading time - I can't wait till my boy is old enough to listen to Harry Potter. So sweet you've been reading it with your niece! Thanks for joining in as always :)

    1. :) Good reading time is the best! I was so happy when she was old enough! She honestly probably could have waited a year or two, but I couldn't lol

  5. I'm glad you could spend so much time with your parents and your niece!! I read the first illustrated HP book, and I need to read the second and third this year because I love the books in general and the illustrated ones are gorgeous!


  6. RV life sounds so fun! I have been wanting to get the illustrated versions of the Harry Potter books for a while, I think my 3 year old would let me read her a chapter every night if there were pictures ;)


    1. Yes, thats what we do! My niece loves it so much she asks to read a chapter each morning too!! You should definitely treat yourself to one! I had asked for the first one for Christmas last year and didn't get it, so I got it for myself and when it came in the mail it was like Christmas ll over again!

  7. Sounds lovely! I really like Jodi Picoult I’ll have to try Lone Wolf! Nieces are so much fun glad you are getting to spend time with yours :)

    1. Me too! She is one of my faves! It's not my favorite book of hers, but it was still good! Especially if you like books with animals knowledge included.

  8. What a view! It sounds so nice to be able to just relax and go where the road takes you. Can't wait to see where you end up next.

  9. I think so I read that book from Jodi Picoult. It looks familiar and if its that one, I remember having stopped half way through the book as it wasn't so my thing. Sounds like you have great plans for 2018! :)

  10. Keeping my fingers crossed for you and you camper! Cold winter weather can be so tricky with frozen pipes or leaky roofs, hopefully all is well!

  11. This is so cool. Love that you're reading her Harry Potter! Maybe I should do that for my daughter when she gets a bit older. Hmmm ... maybe she'll enjoy it now? LOL

    ~ Sanaa

  12. I hope your pipes don't burst! (That would be horrible!) Safe travels to Orlando this spring!

  13. Traveling is fun and I'd love to travel in an RV but I don't think I have the courage to try and live my life in an RV. You are too cool!


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