
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Life's Sweet Journey Life Lately

Happy February friends!
Hoping all is well in your world! 
It's the beginning of a new month, and we've been a little quiet on the blog, so I figured it's the perfect time for a little "Life Currently" update. Here is what February is currently looking like for us... 

{Finishing} We just finished our new Road Talk Tuesday video and it is now live over on YouTube. We have had a few questions about what we do on the road, so we answered those questions this week. We both teach English online, while we work on hopefully growing this space into part of our income on the road. Head over to YouTube to catch the new video and subscribe! 

{Subscribing} Now that we are spending so much time in the car we are trying to jump on the Podcast Train! We really haven't listened to very many and are trying to find some that we can enjoy together! We have been listening to other travel couples share their stories on To the Nations Worldwide podcast and are excited to be one of the couples on there soon!Share your faves! What podcasts should we be subscribing to?

{Wishlisting} All the swimsuits!! We are sooooo, so close to warmer weather. We are loving the mountain views and getting the opportunity to experience our first winter, but honestly, these Florida bones are ready for some sun and shine! Last year I got a ton of suits from CupShe, after wearing the same suit for about the last 5 summers. I had been skeptical of CupShe at first; their prices were so good I figured the material had to be questionable, but I ordered anyways and LOVE them. Seriously, how cute are these?! 

  • Price: $11.99
  • Price: $12.99
  • Price: $19.99
  • Price: $15.99
  • Price: $19.99
{Watching} The stream outside the RV window! We love staying at state parks, but campgrounds do have their perks. We were able to catch up on some of our shows last week, since the campground we were staying at had good wifi. Cheers to FINALLY finishing Stranger Things! Who else is praying there's a season 3?! Once we moved over the state park, we lost the ability to stream Netflix (got to save that hotspot data for teaching!). We don't have a phone connector yet, but plan to get one soon so that we can connect our phones to the tv to watch our faves. Until then we are enjoying watching the natural view and picking out movies to rent from Redbox. We think a pretty view beats the ability to watch tv anyways, so we don't mind it at all. 

{Hearting} Each other! You would think after 24/7 togetherness for the past 3 months that we might be a little tired of each other. The truth of it is though we are really cherishing this time. Sure, there are moments where we need some space and so one of us will go to a coffee shop to work (Mel) or the other will go out for a 10 mile bike ride (Babe), but for the most part we are loving the ability to be together, work together, and grow alongside each other as we figure this whole thing out. 

And that's about it for us so far this month...

How is your February looking currently?
What are you doing this month?! 


  1. I love swimsuits!!! I saw them at Target like right after Christmas!!

    1. Haha, the cold weather always makes me want to buy one hoping it will make the warmth come sooner!!

  2. I was even considering teaching english online as well! Side money doesn't hurt nobody ;)

  3. Yes, Podcasts are so great for passing the time when on the road! (Or walking the dog, or cleaning, or pretty much anything, ha!) You should check out The Sporkful - that's one that I think men and women would both enjoy, especially if you like food like we do :) And there are a bunch of true crime ones that get really addictive, so that passes the time super well on a drive - I liked Accused and In the Dark. Oh! And my husband and I both really like Heavyweight.

    1. We LOVE food!! and crime stories! Thanks for all these great recommendations!

  4. I need to check out more podcasts! They are fun to listen too. And I'll need a new swimsuit this year for sure!!


  5. Yes, I'm definitely hoping for a season 3 of Stranger Things! Our family is hooked! I can't wait for swimsuit weather too.

  6. I just found your blog but it sounds like you are having such a cool adventure! I love podcasts! What kinds of topics interest you? Did you listen to the most famous of them all, Serial, the first season? It's the best!!!

    1. No, we haven't jumped in yet, but it has been recommended by so many people!! We can't wait to start it!

  7. What an amazing adventure!! I have always wondered how people can travel full time - I can't wait to follow more of your journey. :)

    1. Thanks Cathy! It's definitely come with a big learning curve, but we are enjoying it! Excited to have you "come along" with us!!

  8. Podcasts are great, you can find really interesting staff and learn a lot :)

  9. Sounds like RV life is a good fit on you two! I've been dying for more Stranger Things since the finale! I cant get enough!

  10. Life is little. You are right to do. Now time for enjoying. RV traveling is one of best traveling part. That is a family traveling part. But the RV prize is so many. The midiam class family can not buy this. But you traveling plan and enjoying moment is very beautiful.

  11. Thanks for the shout out! We cannot wait to share your interview shortly!

    To the Nations Worldwide

  12. I hail from a Florida town that I longed to escape. Left home at 19 and sought my fortunes in Boston, Canada, Chicago, San Diego, and L.A. before two old friends, a mother-daughter duo, talked me into joining them in the middle of nowhere in Central Kansas where they'd moved after doing time in big cities. Nellie and Olga hailed from pioneer stock and had returned to their roots. I was still in search of mine.


Thanks for stopping by for a bit!
I love comments, they make me smile :) Hope you are having a wonderful day!