
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

May Currently & a Giveaway

Happy May! 
Spring finally seems to be here. 
Being from Florida I am pretty much used to just about one season, but now that we are traveling full-time it has been so strange to experience this thing people call winter! 
Linking up for a May Currently! Here is a peek at our world right now:

{Celebrating} Adding a new state to our count; HELLO, UTAH!! And checking a big one off the bucket list... a post about our time at the Grand Canyon coming soon...

{Creating} A YouTube video from our time in Mesa Verde. I am running a bit behind this week and it's not up in time for Road Talk Tuesday, but you can catch last week's adventure in Grand Junction, Colorado! It was an awesome week filled with great hikes and yummy wine... 

We are so close to hitting 500 subs!! Will you be number 500?! We would love your support as we try to grow this little space!! 

{Wearing} I am not much of a fashionista; my uniform pretty much consists of a t-shirt or tank with a flannel wrapped around my waist. Anyone else think that a good flannel shirt is kind of like a cape?! It makes me feel invincible! Need a blanket for a quick picnic? Got it! Need a little something to fight off the chill or protect you from the sun? Check! Need a cozy pillow to lie down and read a book on? No, problem dude! 

May Currently Giveaway
Similar Flannel | Similar CamelBak (first hike using it; best thing EVER)

{Going} To the Utah National Parks! Zion and Bryce Canyon NP specifically!! We are soooo excited!! It is getting harder and harder to find camp sites with availability the further west we go. Thankfully we found a spot in the town of Kanab, Utah, which is pretty central to the parks. With just about an hour drive to each we plan to hit them in the next few days! Bring on the hiking!! Any tips or must-see spots?! 

{Sharing} Recent reads with one of you! I've decided that instead of hoarding all my books (which I tended to do when we had a stick-and-brick house) I would pass them onward once I was done reading (I don't have much room for storing stuff in the camper anyways). So, whenever I finish a new book, I will be giving it away to someone. Today's read?! The Woman in Cabin 10. I had been wanting to read this for a while and found a used copy in a sweet little bookstore when we were in Grand Junction. I basically devoured this thing in a day! I got through maybe two chapters the first day and then day two I picked it up and couldn't put it down. I first read Ruth Ware's In a Dark, Dark Wood and LOVED that (before even knowing it was by the same author as the new book "everyone" was talking about), so I quickly added Woman in Cabin 10 to my list. It was a great read!! And now it's possibly your turn to get to read it... want a chance? Simply enter below! 
The Woman in Cabin 10 Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

And that's about it for our May Currently!!
What about you?! 
What's going on in your world right now?! 


  1. I was actually born in Grand Junction, CO but I haven't been back since I was really young so it was fun to see what it looks like now. Such gorgeous hiking and I'll never say no to an awesome roundup for breweries and wineries! Also, I've been wanting to read The Woman in Cabin 10, so I'm glad to hear you loved it. It's on my list!

    1. Oh, so cool! You will have to go back for a visit! It's such a fun place :) And yes, The Woman in Cabin 10 is definitely a great read!

  2. What amazing views! I have Colorado on my bucket list and can't wait to get there.

  3. The Woman in Cabin 10 is the only Ware book I've read - so far - but I loved it too and want to read more by her. That's great you were able to finally visit the Grand Canyon!!!


    1. I have read two of her three and can't wait to get my hands on the Lying Game!

  4. I like suspenseful reads, but somehow I haven't picked up that one yet. Seen it around a bunch of places though and it sounds like a great page turner!

    And ah, your destinations sound so great right now. There's so much in Utah I'd love to see. And isn't the Grand Canyon amazing? I expected it to be impressive, but it exceeded my expectations so much when I actually got to experience the massive views in person.

    1. I felt the same way! We knew it would be impressive, but we had been so impressed with all the other canyons we had seen so far on our trip, we were wondering "could it really be THAT much more grand?!" It was!! lol

  5. It made me nervous too when Andrew went around the little corner on the cliff! I too am glad that you're "all good." Donald would be jealous of the hot meat sampler platter! Love that you're getting to try some amazing wine, beer and mead. Save me some wine corks please! If you can find a cubby hole in the RV to collect some, i'll make you a cork craft with all the ones from your adventures around the US. Love and miss you guys!!! Becs XOXOX

    1. Haha!! Oh don't you worry!! I have tonnnnnnsssss!! I was planning to make a wine cork Christmas tree and then add to it each year as we visited new spots, but I haven't even begun to start. Lol- will definitely have plenty to give you!

  6. How fun to be traveling and seeing such beautiful places. That view is spectacular!

    1. There really have been so many places that have blown us away!

  7. I love Utah and the gorgeous landscape! Glad you got to check it out. This book sounds amazing.

  8. Loved Woman in Cabin 10! Also loved the set up of this blog post. I started doing a "monthly wrap-up" style series and fell out of it pretty quickly. Someday I'll start it up again!

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Thanks for stopping by for a bit!
I love comments, they make me smile :) Hope you are having a wonderful day!