
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

June Currently and Kindle Unlimited Recommendations

June, Y'all!! 
How is it already June?!
We have been on the road 7 months now and that thought is blowing my mind! 
Linking up with Anne for some June Currently fun today!

{Traveling} Up the Pacific North Coast!! We have finally made it clear across the US of A. We started in Orlando, FL and made it to the California coast on Memorial Day; which I found pretty fitting since I have spent almost every Memorial Day on the beach (granted on the east coast), with my toes in the sand. After being land locked for over 6 months it was definitely good for my lungs to breathe in that salty air! We made it to Oregon last week and head up into Washington tomorrow. Hoping to make it to Seattle midweek. Stealing a ton of ideas from Amanda's trip, but would love to know your Seattle faves if you have been! What do we need to see?! 

{Grilling} It's actually been a hot minute since we pulled out the grill; surprisingly enough, full-time RV has a lot less grill nights than our weekend-warrior RV life had. Pretty sure the last thing Babe grilled up was some wings. This is all making my think we may need to pull it out tonight! I could go for some chicken wings right about now. 

{Exploring} One of the things I love about the West Coast is all the tide pools! It's definitely something we don't have on the east coast beaches and, while I am definitely missing the warm water of Florida beaches, I love seeing the hidden treasures found in these little rocky pools. Starfish are my fave, but I have been on an epic search to find a tide pool with a little baby octopus. So far, no luck, but we don't head back inland for a few days... so, there's always hope!

{Planting} Can you actually plant anything when you live in an RV?! The answer is, yes! I actually didn't ever really have indoor house plants when we lived in our brick and mortar home. If I wanted to see plants I would just go out back lol... But when we decided to hit the road I had this huge desire to bring a "piece of home" with us and dug up a piece of two of the plants I loved most, that I knew I would be least likely to kill. They have done so well over the last 6 months that I decided to make a bold move a buy a new little baby at a farmer's market we went to this past weekend. This sweet little basil is doing pretty, but we are only a few days in. I know it will be harder to keep alive than the others I have, but I am really hopeful. I have been buying basil from the store the past few times we've been- to add to my water and other beverages- and am hoping I will be able to starting snipping some fresh, once this little babe grows a bit more. 

{Playing} Tons of audiobooks on Audible!! We are working our way through Harry Potter and my geek heart couldn't be happier (or sadder, since we are on book 7 and my Harry-loving-heart just pinches each time something bad happens). If you are a Harry nerd too, but have never listened to them read by Jim Dale, you HAVE GOT to do it. It brings the books to life in a whole new way! 

Speaking of books; have you tried Kindle Unlimited?! I accidentally signed up for the free trial thinking that was how I listened to the audiobooks (no, such luck- though some books on Kindle Unlimited have audio; Harry Potter just isn't one of them). Anyways, I had big plans to cancel it right after my trial was up. Welllll... 7 books later, I'm hooked. You get up to 10 books at a time, can return them for a new one at any time, and read as many books as your little heart desires. It's $9.99 a month, but considering I soaked up 5 books in the first month (hello, midnight bedtime, because I couldn't put them down) I found it worth it. I thought I would hate reading the books from my phone, but I actually don't mind it as much as I thought I would. It does make it way easier to keep reading, hence missing my bedtime, by not being able to physically see how many more pages are left. Not every book is available on Kindle Unlimited, but I have found some great new authors because I have had to break from my norm. Their mystery/psychological thriller section is on point! 

Every Single Secret- WHOA! This is the book I stayed up two hours after I should have been sleeping, because I just couldn't put it down!! 
It Ends With Her- Female FBI agent Clarke Sinclair is on the hunt for a serial killer. Would love to know if you make the connections that I did while reading?! It was so good! 
Books by Mary Burton-I liked Her Last Word and immediately read The Last Move; both were good, but I would space them out as her plot/characters seemed pretty similar in both books. If you are going to start with one, I would go with Her Last Word
The Retreat- Another I stayed up late for! Such an interesting twist! 
I am super excited to start reading the Paper Magician series, but want to finished listening to Harry Potter before I start another magical series. 

Do you have Kindle Unlimited?! What are you reading?! Would love recommendations! 

And that's about it for what's going on in our world currently! 
How is June treating you?! 


  1. The Pacific Northwest is probably my favorite place in the country! The Oregon coast, wine area, hikes and food scene are spectacular!!! Glad you enjoyed.

    1. We are planing to hit up wine country soon and are very excited!! It's so beautiful here!

  2. The beach, grilling food, good books. The fab life! Enjoy .. Can't wait for the kids to be off for the summer.

  3. Oh I will have to look up some of those books! I love a good thriller! I am also known for staying up too late to read books...I just cant help it!

  4. Kindle unlimited sounds wonderful - didn't know! Can wait to subscribe!

  5. I don't have kindle unlimited but I have use it in the past. I am currently listening to a book by John Green. Something about turtles.

    1. Yeah, I am sure there will be a time when I take a break too, but right now I am loving it too much!

  6. I don't have Kindle Unlimited but it always does sound amazing and I LOVE a good mystery/psychological thriller. I've never listened to Harry Potter, but I want to! I've heard Jim Dale is great - but I'm also curious about the UK ones with Stephen Fry because I just adore him. :)

    I'm glad you're having a great time in Cali!!!


    1. Ahhhh, I didn't even know there was a different reader. Will have to maybe give those a listen next round through. I tend to either reread (or relisten in this case I guess) once every two-three years!

  7. I have heard wonderful things about kindle unlimited. Yay for growing beautiful herbs

    1. It really is a great way to get a lot of reading in! I'm like "I'm already paying for it better get my monies worth!" Who cares if not much else gets done right?!

  8. I'm still a Barnes and Noble Nook Book user but I keep thinking about making the switch to kindle. That unlimited sounds like a great idea!

    1. I actually just read them on my phone with the Kindle App! Could keep the nook and then read others with the phone. I think it would bother me (I actually swore I would never convert to ebooks), but it's just so convenient!

  9. The landscape is beautiful! I don't use any kind of e-book, I'm really old fashioned when it comes to books :)

    1. I was the same way for so long and still refuse to own an actual eReader, but I have started "skimming off the sides" by using my phone. I got so mad whenever anyone recommended me getting a Kindle, swearing a good old book was the only way to go. I still slightly judge myself for reading on my phone, but it was out of necessity more than anything and it's not so bad. Once we are back in a spot where I can visit libraries and bookstores though (or even have Amazon skip to me lol) then I will be right back to my actual page turning ways!

  10. Wow, driving/exploring the Pacific coast sounds amazing!

    And I don't listen to audiobooks super often (too busy with hard copies - or podcasts!), but I've heard such good things about the Harry Potter audiobooks and would love to try them sometime. Maybe I'll wait until my kid is old enough :) In the meantime, if you enjoy YA books at all, you should check this out: They have 2 free audiobook downloads per week for the summer.

    1. Oh you would love them!! and yes! I love YA, thank you!! I will definitely check that out. What an awesome deal :)

  11. I've been wanting a new read!! Thanks for the recs :)

  12. I will have to try the Paper Magician series too. I love HP- and the PNW!

  13. Love this place:) I hope one day we can just travel and see new places. It's fun and very stress relieving the only thing I don't like with traveling is coming back home and unpacking haha.
    Ophalyn @letmommybe

  14. Thanks for such a nice content. Apppreciate it :)
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