
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

March Currently

January seemed to last a year, 
February flew by; 
Well, I guess it's HELLO MARCH! 

I'm joining in with Anne for another Currently link up; here's a peek at what things look like for us currently... 

{Scheming} To get my niece on both Tower of Terror and Rock N' Roller Coaster! Babe and I have been trying to get FastPasses for Rock N' Roller Coaster at Hollywood Studios MGM and I finally booked them two weeks out. I also booked some for my niece as well, knowing it could be risky. I called her a few nights ago to let her know we were going and that I already had FastPasses booked. I gave her the ultimate Disney ultimatum; she could either go with us, but had to be willing to go on the rides I had already booked OR wait this one out and not go this time around. Being her smart almost-8-year-old self, she asked, "what are they?" So I told her one of the rides is basically and elevator with a bit of a drop and that the other was a roller coaster. I know, I know; I might have undersold Tower of Terror by not telling her the name and saying it only had a slight drop, but she didn't even bat an eyelash at it. Rock N' Roller Coaster however she had a bit of an issue with, as her response was "well, I'm not so sure about the roller coaster." I stuck to my guns and told her that was fine, if she didn't want to do the coaster she could just come with us next time. She thought about it for a minute and said, "I guess I will come!" So we head out to tackle them tomorrow! Who thinks we will be able to make it happen? And who thinks they will be wasted FastPasses?! It's really any ones guess! Thankfully the third is Toy Story Mania; so that will hopefully be the buffer that keeps us in the game! 

{Reading} I just finished The Silent Patient for book club; so good!! I usually pride myself on being able to guess what's going to happen in books, but this one had so many good plot twists it was hard to really know what the ending was going to be. I was shocked, in a good way! It was an edgy, suspenseful novel about a woman who is believed to have murdered her husband and then stops speaking- for 6 years. When a new doctor comes in to take over her care he tries to unearth what has kept her silent all these years. As he tries to unravel her story you find yourself right there with him and beginning to wonder if everything really is as it seems... 

I just started The Orphan's Tale and am already enveloped in the story. I usually don't like a lot of history fiction, but I can't put it down. Following the storyline of two different woman around WWII I am only a few chapters in and already so invested in each character and so curious to see how they will intertwine in the end. 

{Buying} All the Disney tees!! Now that we have annual passes again I want all the new cute shirts.

{Making} A lot of to-do lists! We are forging ahead with projects with Crimson House and the to-do lists seem never ending, but we are inching closer and closer to being able to open. Wish us luck!

{Accomplishing} Laundry?! Can that count? Even if I still have a whole basket full of dirty clothes?... Honestly, one of the most frustrating things with opening a business is feeling like you aren't getting a lot accomplished. I know in reality that isn't true and we have come a long way, but it seems like one step forward and two back right now. Anyways, I am counting eating breakfast and getting a load of towels done as stellar accomplishments right now... sometimes it really is the little things!

What does life look like for you currently?! 


  1. I'm a big Disney fan so I'm jealous! My son made me get on Tower of Terror even though I knew I didn't like it, and I hated it. My younger son refused to go, and it was a good choice for him! I do love Rock n Roller Coaster though!

    1. Tower of Terror is my favorite ride at MGM and one of my favorites throughout the parks, so I really hope she likes it!

  2. Hahaha! I had laundry on mine too! Off to toss some clothes in the dryer! :) And that is an adorable Disney shirt; great find!

    1. Thanks! I was super excited about it! Can't beat $13 for a cute tee and no worries :) haha

  3. Yes, I totally say laundry counts - it feels like such a never-ending thing that it would be a lot more satisfying to count each load as an accomplishment, and then you really build up a lot of accomplishments in life :) Hope the roller coasters go well - sometimes just getting over the hump by doing one and realizing it actually is super fun takes care of things. Fingers crossed!

    1. Haha, yes!! I will take as many as I can get! And yes, that is what I am hoping!

  4. I'm glad to hear you really liked The Silent Patient. That's one I'm curious about.


    1. It was SOOOO good!! I've been recommending it to everyone since I read it.

  5. Accomplishing laundry definitely counts!! It’s never ending, isn’t it! And both of those books sound so interesting :)


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