
Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Why You Need to VISIT IDAHO // A Travel Blogger Link Up

Soooo, it's only been a handful of months since I have managed to get a #TravelTuesday Link Up live, but here we are... thanks for being patient! 
Be sure to link all your adventures at the bottom of this post! 

I'm not actually going to write a lot this month, but am going to let our newest video from our time on the road speak for me. If you've never considered paying Idaho a visit, here are our favorite reasons why you need to change that...

Idaho truly is a spectacular state; from the stunning Shoshone Falls in southern Idaho to the rail trail ride on the Route of the Hiawatha in the north Idaho had so much to offer for any outdoor lover!

Monday, May 6, 2019

May Currently

Happy Monday! 
Cheers to a new week {following a hopefully restful weekend}! 

I'm a little late to the game this month, considering we are now almost a week into May, but I'm joining Anne for another Currently link up. Here is what is happening in my world this month and some current faves that are too good not to share... 

{ADMIRING} The way my eyes feel after using my new Pare Activated Charcoal Eye Mask! We spent Saturday night in Orlando with friends and it was such a wonderful, needed time but getting home late left my eyes feeling tired and puffy when I woke up Sunday morning. I figured it was the perfect time to give these beauties a try and Pare did not disappoint! Filled with hyaluronic acid and other wrinkle fighting wonders these moisturizing eye warriors helped my eyes fill less puffy and more rejuvenated. If you love a little self-care Sunday {like me}, these eye masks are just the thing you need! Tip: stick them in the fridge before applying to add an extra cooling element for and even more eye-brightening punch!

Charcoal Eye Mask May Currently
Pare Activated Charcoal Eye Mask