
Monday, May 6, 2019

May Currently

Happy Monday! 
Cheers to a new week {following a hopefully restful weekend}! 

I'm a little late to the game this month, considering we are now almost a week into May, but I'm joining Anne for another Currently link up. Here is what is happening in my world this month and some current faves that are too good not to share... 

{ADMIRING} The way my eyes feel after using my new Pare Activated Charcoal Eye Mask! We spent Saturday night in Orlando with friends and it was such a wonderful, needed time but getting home late left my eyes feeling tired and puffy when I woke up Sunday morning. I figured it was the perfect time to give these beauties a try and Pare did not disappoint! Filled with hyaluronic acid and other wrinkle fighting wonders these moisturizing eye warriors helped my eyes fill less puffy and more rejuvenated. If you love a little self-care Sunday {like me}, these eye masks are just the thing you need! Tip: stick them in the fridge before applying to add an extra cooling element for and even more eye-brightening punch!

Charcoal Eye Mask May Currently
Pare Activated Charcoal Eye Mask

Disclaimer: I received the Pare Hydrogel Eye Masks for free in exchange for me honest review. All opinions are my own. Snag some of your own for $15.95 (6 pack of masks).

{PLAYING} The Cruel Prince on audiobook; this is our book club for the month and I am excited to get enveloped into a different world for a bit. This isn't typically a book I would choose to read, but that's one of the things I love so much about book club. Our tastes vary, but it leads to new adventures we would never have taken if someone else hadn't picked the read for us. This was chosen because one of the girls in book club had fairy hair (the glitter strands) and we all wanted to get some, so a book was chosen to give us an excuse to have a fairy-hair party! Looking forward to June's book club so that we can all add a little pizzaz to our hair!

{BORROWING} Tons of books from the library! I had been missing the feel of a real book in my hands... since we moved into the RV {and were on the road for long} it just became easier to read books on my phone {something I swore I would never do}. It is convenient, but it changes the feel of reading for me. Now that we are stationary I finally found my way to the library and checked out a ton of Kate Morton books after reading {and falling in love with} The Lake House! 

{REMEMBERING} When I thought I would never be able to read two books at once and laughing at myself... I use to be a one book at a time kind of gal. I also had the hardest time listening to audiobooks. Road life has brought a lot of new things into my life... I pretty much never listen to music anymore when I drive anymore, instead choosing to listen to whatever book I have on audio. So maybe I don't "read" two books at once, but I listen to one and read another. It's double the reading adventures in half the time!!

Skinny Margarita Recipe May Currently

{FINISHING} A beautiful weekend and new skinny margarita recipe! The weather was glorious this weekend {with the exception of a 2 hour downpour} and made even better by a drink in my hand. I am known for mixing things I find in the fridge into a happy little craft cocktail; sometimes it works out, other times not so much... but this time I hit the nail on the head and it was the perfect blend of crisp, light wonderfulness!

All in all May is off to a good start... 
what is going on in your world currently? 


  1. My under eyes are a mess. Definitely checking those out!

  2. What Kate Morton book would you recommend the most? I've never read her before. I do love Florida and the warm weather!

    1. I loved The Lake House (that's the one that started me on my Kate Morton journey)! I am currently reading The Distant Hours and already enthralled with it, but I have heard her newest (The Clockmaker's Daughter) is wonderful!

  3. I have been looking at the eye masks. I have been debating on brands though.

    1. Totally understand that! There are so many out there. I really like these!

  4. That margarita recipe sounds amazing!!!!!! Eye masks and margs what a better way to relax

  5. I love using eye gels to refresh my under eye area! I have never heard of that brand but may have to check them out soon. That margarita looks so good! I've been trying to read more lately and I've done fairly well at it.

    1. That's great! Read anything you've loved?! I'm always looking for new books!

  6. Those eye masks look like they work wonders! And two books at once?? I am definitely not on your level yet haha

    1. Haha, I can't read two... but I can listen to one and read another; it did take an adjustment though! But I love how many more titles I get in during the year!


Thanks for stopping by for a bit!
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