
Wednesday, July 3, 2019

July Currently

Happy 3rd of July! 
Hope you are getting ready for an exciting 4th and that you're off until Monday!! 
We are in route to Tennessee and I am linking up with Anne to share some July Currently fun. Here's a peek at life currently:

{Reading} SOOOO many good books!! I just finished reading The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton and it is my favorite of hers so far {I have read 3 total}. I am listening to The Price of Paradise on Audible and it is also very good. Set in Cuba (and partly in Spain), during the 40s and 50s, it was originally written in Spanish before being translated into English. If you liked Next Year in Havana this is another one to grab!
I just started my ARC copy of The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware and I am flying through it. It starts off really quickly and then works backwards as a nanny tries to explain in letters why she is innocent of... well you'll have to read it to find out. As a nanny myself, especially one who loves to read suspense, it's the perfect summer read for me. With just a little over a month until its official release now is a great time to preorder The Turn of the Key and still be able to read it before summer is over!  

{Enjoying} Being in the car with Babe! I know that the thought of being in the car for 12 hours may make some people cringe, but for me its pure bliss. I would much rather drive than fly. Not that I have an aversion to flying, and I do love a good airport, but in the car I can spread out. I have my blankie, my pillow and nowhere to be but heading to my destination. We sing along to the radio, we get in some good chat time and listen to Harry Potter being read by Jim Dale (amazing for any HP fans who have never listened to them and want a new way to experience the magic)! We don't have to worry about how much we pack or have someone drop us off at the airport; as long as the ride will be under 12 hours we typically always choose to drive. Anyone else love the car as much as me? Or are you a plane traveler? 

{Finding} These great happies on Amazon!! I shared my favorite finds for the month in last weeks post. The most used find so far?! Our new bento boxes

{Tasting} Coffee from this awesome little coffee shop Babe found near the GA/SC border! I was fast asleep and he usually knows not to wake me for anything, but I'm glad he risked his life. Black Rifle Coffee Company is a veteran owned coffee shop. They have neat names for their coffees (Babe got the CF, which is a medium roast that stands for Caffeinated AF; the taste was a little too mild for him since he usually prefers dark roast, but he says that it was definitely caffeinated as he was feeling it only a quarter of the way through). Not far from the highway it's the perfect spot to stop if you're driving through Georgia on 95! 

{Saving} Quotes on Pinterest! I have always loved quotes; I have three notebooks filled with quotes from books I have read. When I first started this blog I would share them in Words for Wednesday posts and may start doing that again. Anyone else love quotes?! 

That's it for me so far this month! 
What is going on in your world currently? 
Any fun plans for the 4th? 


  1. I LOVE quotes! I used to keep them in a notebook; now I try and include some in my bullet journal from books I read. I don't really care for the car if it's going to be a super long trip because it can be tough to get comfortable for me, and I can't sleep! If I could fall asleep, that would be great.


    1. Yeah, if I couldn't sleep for the first part of the trip I may not like it as much. I have been wanting to get into bullet journaling for a while now, but haven't started yet.

  2. Those books sound amazing, I'll have to check them out!

  3. That book "Next Year in Havana" looks like it's right up my alley!

  4. I've never heard any of these books. Thanks for the recs!

  5. Sounds like you're having a great month. I wish I had more time to read.

    1. I was having a hard time carving out space to read for a while, but started taking just a few minutes each morning. Sometimes I only get through two pages, but I realized how much I missed it.

  6. Ooh a good Kate Morton is perfect for a road/plane trip - good and long so you have lots of time to enjoy it. Sadly I thought her most recent one was terrible, but some of the older ones, like The Secret Keeper, were such fun reads. Also I love me some good Amazon finds - off to check those out :)

    1. I haven't read the newest one yet, so may take your advice and hold off for a bit. I didn't love The Distant Hours (which I had read just prior to this one) so I think her stuff might be a bit hit or miss for me.

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