
Wednesday, October 2, 2019

October Currently

"Oh my gah, 
We're back again..." 
One month later, one new post, same monthly link up with Anne; I am really doing well at this whole goal of getting out more regular blog posts! Here's to trying again next month, but for now here is what October is looking like currently... 

{Arranging} Schedules and permits and licenses, oh my! We are finally getting closer to being able to open the wine bar. Crimson House is starting to move forward, without the backwards steps we seemed to keep tripping over. It feels so nice to see a year and a half of waiting begin to pay off! 

{Loving} The sweet time that we got to spend with our nieces and nephews this past weekend! 

{Embracing} The fact that right now we aren't really sure what life is going to look like in the coming months. For a while I was having a very hard time with that- to be honest, a lot of days I still do, but I am trying to just let this season play out however God is intending it to. 

{Purchasing} ALLLLL the beautifully illustrated wonders of the Wizarding World! The newest Harry Potter Illustrated edition comes out on the 29th and you best bet that I have had it preordered already. I am beyond excited for it to arrive! Do you own any of the illustrated editions? They bring Harry Potter to life in a whole new way! I love seeing the creativity and imagination put into setting the words to illustrations. 

{Sharing} Favorite books to read in October over on Pinterest! I created the light last year and have added a few that I have read since. I love reading spooky stories to get me in the halloween spirit! What are some of your favorite October reads?! 

Short and sweet, but that's October here currently! 
What is life looking like for you lately?! 


  1. Ooh I love your seasonal reading list - I'm not usually one for scary stories, but I totally agree that Harry Potter is great for this season, and The Witches too. Speaking of Harry Potter, I am sooo excited to eventually read this to my kid - I think he's old enough reading comprehension-wise to listen to the first book now, but I'm trying to hold off because he's not quite old enough for some of the other books yet. But you better believe I'm getting those gorgeous illustrated editions when the time comes!

    1. Totally understand that! I only do the first one with my youngest nieces too, but my older one has already gone on to check out book number two from her school library after we read the first together. I love that she loves it enough to want to continue the journey on her own.

  2. I have been so bad at reading lately! I need to get back into it.

  3. Loving these October favorites! Definitely going to check out your reading list, need to add a few to mine now!

    cute & little

  4. I’m so excited about the illustrated Harry Potter. It’s such a wonderful series. Both me and my kids love it!

  5. I love reading seasonal books for the fall!!!

    And how awesome that you are opening a wine bar! That is so cool!

    1. Thanks! It's been a huge learning curve, but we are getting more and more excited the closer we are getting to setting an opening date!

  6. You had my attention at WINE! I checked out the photos of the Loft; it's darling. Good luck in that new venture.

  7. Love your photo here. I'm a huge HP fan. I think the illustrated books are just beautiful. I need to finish the first three - I'm on the second!


  8. We have been reading the illustrated editions with our oldest daughter as they become available. She is SO excited about #4!

    1. Aren't they the best?! I so glad she loves them! Let the magic continue ALWAYS!

  9. Thank you because you have been willing to share information with us. we will always appreciate all you have done here because I know you are very concerned with our. camping mit hund

  10. They bring Harry Potter to life in a whole new way! Buy Custom Essay seeing the creativity and imagination put into setting the words to illustrations.


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