
Friday, March 27, 2020

Replacing our RV Slide Weather Stripping

Replacing RV Slide Weather Stripping

Well, we made it 7 months on the road and had quite a few adventures before we had any issues with leaking in the RV. Once we were back in Florida though and the rainstorms came in daily we started noticing a small drip in the living room slide. Our 5th wheel is a 2011 Keystone Cougar and we weren't sure if the weather stripping had ever been replaced (by the looks of things it hadn't). So we took on the task of replacing the RV weather stripping ourselves! Thankfully replacing the weather stripping on the RV was a good bit easier than replacing the RV ac, just required a little elbow grease and a few screws. Here is how it went:

Supplies for Replacing RV Weather Stripping

- Screwdriver
- Scissors 
- Primary Seal (check your camper model to see which primary seal will fit your unit)
- Secondary Seal (the smaller seal that goes on the slide itself)
- Paint Scraper (not needed, but makes the job a whole lot easier)
- RV Rubber Seal Conditioner (for maintaining seals)

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

March Currently & Amazon Finds of the Month

I'm beginning to sound like a broken record...
 yet again, here we are two months later and finally a new blog post. 

Hey y'all! Thanks for sticking around! I am wanting so badly to get back to this space, but time has just been flying and days so crazy and this keeps taking the backseat. So I'm trying again, again, and kicking it off with my favorite monthly linkup. Here's what life looks like around here currently:

{Fixing} My routine; so that I make more time for the things I enjoy, like this space! I have so much I want to share including my mother-daughter trip to Israel and Egypt and my thoughts on tour group travel. 

{Hearing} My current book club's pick of the month on Audible, The Giver of Stars by JoJo Moyes. Has anyone read it/listened; thoughts?! I'm a few chapters in and thinking this may be one I need to physically read, because I am having a tough time with the audio.