
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

June Currently: Books I Am Reading to Listen, Learn and Grow

It's a new month, which means it's time for my favorite linkup with Anne...
To be honest I almost skipped this month. Things feel hard, edges jagged and this link up is one I usually reserve for sharing all the things I am loving. As an enneagram 7 I have a hard time sharing tough things, but I thought, you know what? Each of these is a monthly catch-up (even if just for myself) to look back on and remember where I was and how I was. It felt disingenuous to skip just because I didn't feel like I had a lot of "light" to share, especially given the state of what silence has continued to cost so many. So I am sharing the following exactly where I am; unsure, jumbled up and hurting but open...
Anti-racist books to learn listen and grow