
Wednesday, May 5, 2021

May Currently and April Recap

 Another new month, 
another monthly recap with a Currently Link Up with Anne.

Hello, May!

Here's a peek at what things are looking like around here recently...

{April Recap}

We spent the majority of April trying to fit in as much time as possible with all our favorite people in Florida! Between girl's nights, nieces and nephew hugs, games of Exploding Kittens in NSB, and spending the last two weeks touring Tampa with the bro-and-sis-in-law, it was a busy month. We hitched up and headed north on April 30th, only to get stuck on the side of the road after our axle and bearing broke in one of our camper tires. Thankfully, a roadside angel showed up with perfect timing, and his own sign from God that he should stop to help us, after the back doors on his truck flew open when he passed us. May tried to come in with a real bang, but we are hoping for smooth sailing from here on out as we slowly make our way to Maine. 

May Currently Link Up
May Currently Link Up
May Currently Link Up
May Currently Link Up


A ton of protein shakes and smoothie bowls! I am doing a mini gut reset through Arbonne and the next 15 days are going to include a lot of smoothies. Basically, I have a smoothie bowl for breakfast, then a chocolate smoothie for lunch. Breakfast is vanilla protein usually blended with strawberries and then topped with nuts, apples, and frozen blueberries. Lunch is just chocolate protein and half an avocado blended with almond milk. Then dinners are a full meal, but gluten and dairy free. I did a 7 day reset about two months ago and felt so good after. Excited to see how I will feel after 15 days!


Currently exploring around Aberdeen, NC. Our current RV spot is in a small town called Jackson Springs. I love the vibe around here and all the smalls towns within 20 minutes. The nearest big city is nowhere nearby and I am perfectly happy with that. Goodbye crazy Florida traffic! I also just got our blog post up about our time in Yellowstone 2 years ago. Better late than never, right?!


A new mattress for the RV! Finally!! We have been sleeping on this mattress, since we bought our RV in 2017. It was used then and already had intentions from the people before us. I know, I know, why have we waited so long? It's actually super comfortable to sleep in and I sleep like a rock, BUT it is doing terrible things for my back. Hoping a new mattress will keep me from waking up aching! We are planning to go with the Novilla Queen Hybrid Mattress.


To hit my goal of getting monetized on YouTube within the next few months! I am so close to my next watch hours goal. It would mean so much if you would subscribe to our Life's Sweet Journey channel or watch one of our newest videos.


How motivated I can be today! I have a lot of balls in the air with work at the moment and I stink at prioritizing. Spending a few minutes planning out the day to see it that will help. Anyone with planning or day-to-day organization tips? Send them my way!

And that's it for me currently! 
What about you? 


  1. Wow - you guys stay busy...and have the most fun!! And still manage to eat healthy and yummy:) It can be done (note to self)!

    1. Haha, it doesn't always happen! Especially trying to balance the health and fun. My face is going crazy right now due to all the fun we had back in Florida. Trying to detox my body with a bit of the health stuff to balance that.

  2. What fun adventures!! Smoothie bowls...yum. Have you been to an Everbowl? I just indulged on a trip to California, and now I'm hooked.

    1. I have not, but I LOVE a good bowl place! Will have to try it

  3. Good luck with your goal! I'm routing for you!

  4. I need to do an eating reset. I've felt so blah lately. Way to go on getting that done.

    1. It was so good last time, and this time is especially needed after going crazy on all the things when we were in Florida.

  5. Wow, this is super inspiring and I’m impressed with your journey! I have a brother and sister in law in Tampa too. Maybe I’ll spot you there one day!

    1. Fun! We actually just left and probably won't be back for a while, but maybe next time we drive on through :)

  6. I've never had a smoothie bowl, but I really want to try some. I'm also going to try doing smoothies soon. I definitely need a bit of a reset myself.


    1. Oh my goodness, you have GOT to try a smoothie bowl! They are magic!

  7. Wow you have be doing lots of things, here we're still not doing much because of Covid-19 and mostly because of the weather but I keep myself busy cooking, working out and working from home. Good luck for your yt channel x

    1. Thank you! I appreciate it! Hopefully as things begin to calm down and more and more numbers drop you will be able to get back out there some. But I enjoy all those things as well. I like to be out, but I'm also a homebody, which is why I just decided to take my house with me lol

  8. Wow what a fun journal of things you have been up too. The Smoothie bowl sounds good and Exploding Kitten is all the rage around here too.

  9. Family time is delightful - but heading to Maine sounds amazing too!

  10. It sounds like you guys are having a great adventure! Have fun in Maine!!

  11. Busy April!!! I love it! Excited to see what May brings you!


Thanks for stopping by for a bit!
I love comments, they make me smile :) Hope you are having a wonderful day!