
Saturday, January 8, 2022

January Currently 2021 Rewind and 2022 Goals

I completely fell off of blogging in the last quarter of 2021. We've had a lot of changes going on, and I know I say this every year but, I am determined to be more consistent and present in this space. Anne's Currently linkup is always a super helpful motivation for me. So starting off 2022 by wrapping up 2021 and sharing some goals for the new year.

2021 Highlights

- Welcomed a new little nephew
- Went back on the road
- Explored the Northeast US
- Made it all the way to Maine (loved it so much we stayed two extra weeks)
- Saw Niagara Falls
- Got Monetized on YouTube
- Skied Breckenridge on my first big sister trip in many years (repeat in Feb!)
- Went snowmobiling for the first time and LOVED IT!
- Saw a lot of sunsets
- Enjoyed our annual aunt and uncle Georgia adventure
- Did a bestie road trip and taught her to enjoy a car ride!
- Came back to Florida because Babe was SUPPOSED to go back into the office
- Spend more time with the people was love
- Bought a house!

Yep, we're staying put again! I am NOT sure how I feel about it, but its the right move for the moment. Even though they again postponed Babe having to go back into the office he will be asked to go back in a few days a week at some point in the near future. We have been wanting to open ourselves up to the possibility of foster car and growing our family and that isn't an option in an RV (at least not the fostering).

It means saying goodbye to our Orlando house (our first home together), which has been rented out the last 4 year. It's bittersweet; I love the layout and the charm of that home. I wish we could take it with us, but it will make another family very happy.

We made the decision to move to NSB. It's funny how life works out. We would never have come here for any prolonged period of time if we hadn't help open the Crimson House, but the time we spent here (plus our time on the road), showed us how much we love the quieter, slower life of a small town. We bought a new build construction in a DR Horton planned community (more on that later). 

So life is taking a super tight left turn for us for a while, but if there's anything I have learned the last few years its to never say never and things are never permanent.

{Anticipating} Whether its excited anticipation or trepidation I am not sure, but anticipating what's to come with all these changes. I am finally feeling more at peace with everything now that we've officially closed on the house. We are still in the camper and going to take the month to slowly transition. The bigger space just seems so intimidating right now. 

{Organizing} ALL. THE. THINGS! We have the camper which will have to be organized while we decide what's staying in the camper (we are keeping it and planning alllll the road trips) and what's going into the new house. We also had tons of stuff in storage at our Orlando house (our renters were amazing) and spend two full weekends downsizing that and fixing up the house for sale. Honestly, it's amazing how easy it is to get rid of stuff you swore you would "need" when you haven't seen it in 4 years.

{Reading} Very slowly at the moment. I listened to 5 books while we were fixing up the house and it was amazing! Made me want to flip houses so I can just paint, scrape, and listen to books all day. Since then however, I have been trying to make it through The Maidens (audio) and The Dark Lure (physical read).

These are the books I listened to while I was painting and I would recommend all of them!!

The One: Such a unique perspective on dating apps. It matches you with "The One" by blood type.

Mother May I: If you love Joshilyn Jackson like I do give this one a try. Her last two books are a shift from her typical style and I did NOT like the previous book, but I did enjoy this.

The 6th (and final) School for Good and Evil Story: Middle grade fiction that's great for adults who like fairytale adaptations. Centers around children of famous fairytale characters, plus "readers" from the real world. A tale of friendship and sisterhood. Currently free on Hoopla.

The Moonlight Child: Currently free on Hoopla and a good, easy yet suspenseful listen.

{Resolving} I don't really do resolutions, because I am horribly inconsistent. However, I do have some goals for 2022. Even if I don't meet them having a goal really helps keep me focused and moving forward.

Goals for 2022

- Start a new YouTube channel
- Spend less time on my phone and more time engaged in what's around me
- Walk regularly/ Be more active
- Spend more time with the people I love
- Be at peace with staying put
- Start foster care classes

{Scheduling} Deliveries for the new house. We need so many things and I have no desire to actually buy anything. Maybe we'll just sit on the cardboard boxes after they bring the fridge.

And that's it for now. 
What were 2021 highlights? 
What are your goals for 2022?


  1. What a wonderful year you had! I have not traveled to the northeast area of the United States, but I hope to do so soon!

    1. It's truly beautiful! So many wonderful places to explore.

  2. All the best of settling into the new house. I can only imagine how different it must be after 4 years on the road. Hope all goes well and happy new year.

  3. Nice! Congratulations on the new house! Maine is beautiful in the summer, but I would rather be in Florida in the winter any time! Love your adventurous spirit!

    1. I can only imagine how cold Maine winters get! We had some chilly nights in June. And thank you, that's a very sweet compliment!

  4. I thought The One was such an interesting book and gave me a lot to think about.

  5. Hi Melanie!! glad to read your content it makes me remind my niagra falls tours. Love reading it...!!


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