
Friday, January 6, 2023

First Friday Favorites: New Blog Link Up Party

Cheers to a New Year and a New Link Up Party! 

Well, another year has come and gone and it's been another year of mostly neglecting this space. I always start the year off with a plan to be more active on the blog and every year seems to send the same. But, here's to trying again!

To help me stay more motivated I am starting a new link up to at least give me something specific to post once a month... so, I am starting a First Friday Favorites link up party. It's mix of concepts from two of my favorite bloggers, Christina at Carolina Charm's Five on Friday, and a Currently link up that used to be hosted by Anne in Residence (she no longer hosts, but I think someone else may). Basically, I plan to share a monthly recap (even just for my own reflections to look back on), and then a few favorite prompted things each month.

Each month will always include a favorite read, favorite find, and favorite quote (since the initial reason I started this blog 10 years ago- wow, 10 years!- was to share my love for quotes). Then, I may include a few other "favorite" prompts. You can join in the prompts each month or just share any favorites in the link up (favorite blog post you wrote that week, your Friday favorites, whatever your little heart desires).

So, here's my first First Friday Favorites edition: