Life's Sweet Journey

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Personalize a Furnished Short-Term Rental Apartment with a Photowall Custom Canvas

Easily personalize any space with a custom canvas print from Photowall!

Happy Wednesday Friends! 
Another quarantine week has come and gone and we are halfway through another...

Personalizing a Furnished Rental Apartment Photowall Custom Canvas

We spent the weekend enjoying a little time in the sun and then yesterday I finally took a few minutes to assemble our new canvas print from Photowall! For those that don't know we have moved out of the camper, for the moment, and are currently renting a place in New Smyrna Beach from a friend of my moms. We feel very blessed to have been able to stay as long as we have after thinking it would only be available through February. We rented the place from her when she was planning to be gone for 4 months visiting her kids and grands, but now she will be staying there longer which in turn means we get to stay longer here. Couldn't have come at a better time, right?! Though of course now that Babe's job is solely remote for the time being it wouldn't be too hard to hit the road again for a bit. Except of course, you know, shelter in place!

Monday, April 6, 2020

April Currently Amazon Finds for Quarantine

Howdy Friends and Happy Quarantine April!
Since we are all pretty well sequestered inside right now, this month's Currently edition with Anne in Residence looks a little different, but here is April in my world...

{Sharing} Adventures from our time on the road! It only took me about 2 years {and a quarantine} to finally get back to finishing up our videos from our 7 months on the road in our RV. Today's journey takes us back to Zion! The crowds at Zion were crazy, but once we looked past that it was so worth fighting for a parking space.

{Writing} To-Do lists to try to keep myself focused during the day! Otherwise I will be doing puzzles so long my back hurts from bending awkwardly while I watch old movies on Disney+; Zedis Lapedis {just in case you were curious what my recent binge was}.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Replacing our RV Slide Weather Stripping

Replacing RV Slide Weather Stripping

Well, we made it 7 months on the road and had quite a few adventures before we had any issues with leaking in the RV. Once we were back in Florida though and the rainstorms came in daily we started noticing a small drip in the living room slide. Our 5th wheel is a 2011 Keystone Cougar and we weren't sure if the weather stripping had ever been replaced (by the looks of things it hadn't). So we took on the task of replacing the RV weather stripping ourselves! Thankfully replacing the weather stripping on the RV was a good bit easier than replacing the RV ac, just required a little elbow grease and a few screws. Here is how it went:

Supplies for Replacing RV Weather Stripping

- Screwdriver
- Scissors 
- Primary Seal (check your camper model to see which primary seal will fit your unit)
- Secondary Seal (the smaller seal that goes on the slide itself)
- Paint Scraper (not needed, but makes the job a whole lot easier)
- RV Rubber Seal Conditioner (for maintaining seals)

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

March Currently & Amazon Finds of the Month

I'm beginning to sound like a broken record...
 yet again, here we are two months later and finally a new blog post. 

Hey y'all! Thanks for sticking around! I am wanting so badly to get back to this space, but time has just been flying and days so crazy and this keeps taking the backseat. So I'm trying again, again, and kicking it off with my favorite monthly linkup. Here's what life looks like around here currently:

{Fixing} My routine; so that I make more time for the things I enjoy, like this space! I have so much I want to share including my mother-daughter trip to Israel and Egypt and my thoughts on tour group travel. 

{Hearing} My current book club's pick of the month on Audible, The Giver of Stars by JoJo Moyes. Has anyone read it/listened; thoughts?! I'm a few chapters in and thinking this may be one I need to physically read, because I am having a tough time with the audio.

Monday, January 6, 2020

January Currently

Happy 2020, January (and November & December), New Decade and All The Things!
I have been quiet around here and when I came to start this post I realized my last one was in October; it's crazy how two months can seem like the blink of an eye. The end of the year was a hard one, the holiday season just had a way of feeling heavy and with our lives in a bit of a new season the transition hit me and I spent a lot of time in a fog. I realized that not prioritizing time for the things that bring me joy (like keeping up with this space, even if it's just once a month and even if it's just for my own personal documentation of life and feelings and memories) isn't a good way to walk through tough/busy chapters of my life. I'm planning to get better about prioritizing my days, taking time off when needed and not forgetting to the it all with a grain of salt! So here's a little January (or life lately) catch-up with January Currently link-up with Anne to kick-off 2020... 

{Resolving} To be more positive! I have been in a really weird place lately and it has left me feeling further from the positive, glass-half-full person that I typically am. Transition periods are hard for me and the last year has seemed like one endless transition. Instead of focusing on the positive aspects of this season of life we are end I have found myself obsessing over negative aspects or things I can't change. For my own mental health and the health of my marriage I want to find a way back to the positive person I used to be. 

{Reading} Woven in Moonlight! My friend Isabel is an amazingly talented author! I met her through book club and have now been part of a sweet group of ladies for over 2 years now. It's been an incredible thing to watch as her dream of becoming a published author comes to fruition in just one day. Woven in Moonlight releases tomorrow and it is pure magic! It is currently an Amazon #1 best seller and is on sale for the lowest it's been. If you preorder a copy Isabel also has a wonderful preorder campaign going on. Just send her an email with your preorder receipt to receive beautiful gifts inspired by the story {details here}! 

{Cleaning} up my eating habits! The end of the year yumminess got us good; between Babe and mines birthdays {two days apart}, all the Christmas goodies and trying to close out our Disney annual passes foodie style we have been eating {and drinking} wayyyyy to much junk! Yummy junk, but none-the-less it is is time to get back to better eating! We are doing a soup and salad cleanse for the rest of the month... we shall see how far we get! 

{Creating} my 20 in 2020 list! I've never done one of these {or if I have I've forgotten} but I think my brain needs that this year; working on it this week and hope to share it if I can get it finished! I'm not the best on the follow-thru when it comes to lists. 

{Planning} The Crimson House GRAND OPENING! After a year and a half {plus some} we are finally ready to open the wine bar. If you've been following here you know that we took life on the road for a while and then came back to help my aunt open a wine bar in New Smyrna Beach {she had been working on it for a year prior to us joining}. The process has been anything other that what any of us expected and took a lot longer than we were imagining. It has stretched me way outside of my comfort zone and challenged me more than any other job I have ever taken on. To see if finally opening and to be behind the bar is a a surreal experience. We have two more weeks until the grand opening and I know it will be a whirlwind, but we are excited for what we have lined up and to see how it all comes together! 

Cheers to 2020!
How did 2019 end for you? 
What are you looking forward to in 2020?