Sunday, October 2, 2022
Best Fall Books to Read in October
Monday, July 25, 2022
Ways to Live More Simply
Living a simple life sounds refreshing, easy, and welcoming to most people, but it can often feel really hard to get there. In this day and age, is living a simple life even possible? Sometimes it doesn't feel like it, but I think it can be with a little work! Here are a few ways to live life more simply.
Ways to Live More Simply
Invest in Self-Care
It's impossible to give your people attention, love, and care if you are not first giving it to yourself. Take time to do things that excite you, fill your heart, and renew you. At the end of the day, find a way to unwind and forget about it all- even if it is just for a little while. I know that it can be hard to just forget about the stressors in your life, but it's important to do something you truly love, the required no obligations elsewhere in order to pour back into yourself.
I firmly believe that you can not pour from an empty cup, so before you can truly help someone else, you first must have something to pour from. Read a book, listen to an audiobook, write in a journal, drink that glass of wine, have that bowl of ice cream, and take that bubble bath. Whatever helps you relax is what you should focus on, which looks different for each individual. The key is to not make this a one-time occasion but to incorporate taking time for yourself into your everyday life.
Put Down Your Social Media
We are SO focused on social media. It's hard not to be when we've become so accustomed to turning on the screen and scrolling. I am trying hard to put be more mindful of my social habits. To be honest, the longer I spend away from social media, the more present I feel. It doesn't have to be all or nothing, but finding ways to simplify social can make a huge difference. Take some time to declutter your social feeds. Unfollow anyone that does not bring you joy, encouragement, or healthy knowledge. You'll be glad that you did!
Find a Screen-Free Hobby
Technology makes life easier in a lot of ways, but it has also seemed to encroach on every aspect of our lives. Where we once painted a picture, now we do "paint by numbers" on a screen. Blocking out part of the day for screen-free activities takes us back to a simpler time. Take up gardening and grow your own vegetables. Maybe get back into a favorite hobby from childhood, like puzzling, knitting, or getting outside for a bike ride. These are great ways to essentially turn back the clock and make life feel a bit more simple.
Clear the Clutter
Clear the clutter in your home by only keeping the best and most necessary clothing, home decor, and entertainment. Create a simple, comforting space that allows you to focus on connecting and spending time with the ones you love instead of having to devote all of your time to cleaning and moving around the clutter non-stop.
What do you do with all the clutter that you cleared? Sell, donate, trash, or put it in storage. If you need help moving large items or storage solutions, MT. Zion Moving & Storage can help you. In fact, they can help with any moving-related need, especially residential moving services and Tampa long-distance moving services, too. They are fully licensed and bonded, have moved thousands of homes, and if you need something complicated done, try them - they've done it all with ease!
Make Sunday Prep Day
Eliminate the stress of a busy week by setting yourself up for more success. Plan meals for the week ahead, tidy up the house for a clean slate, write the week's tasks, and fill your tank up. Give yourself time to rest so that you are ready to go for a busy week.
Focus on Life's Priorities
Instead of worrying about every little thing, shift your thinking and focus on the priorities in your life instead. What is most important to you? For most people, it will be 1) happiness, 2) family, and 3) work. Find ways to prioritize AND balance your priorities so that you can make the most out of each day while living simply. Having too many priorities will just stress you out, and that becomes FAR from simple.
These are all simple way to, well, make life a bit more simple. And doesn't that just sound simply wonderful? I know it does for me!
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Prime Day Finds 2022 Great Harry Potter Deals on Amazon
Here are some of my favorite finds this year!
RV Living Prime Day Finds
General Prime Day Finds 2022
Saturday, January 8, 2022
January Currently 2021 Rewind and 2022 Goals
I completely fell off of blogging in the last quarter of 2021. We've had a lot of changes going on, and I know I say this every year but, I am determined to be more consistent and present in this space. Anne's Currently linkup is always a super helpful motivation for me. So starting off 2022 by wrapping up 2021 and sharing some goals for the new year.
2021 Highlights
{Anticipating} Whether its excited anticipation or trepidation I am not sure, but anticipating what's to come with all these changes. I am finally feeling more at peace with everything now that we've officially closed on the house. We are still in the camper and going to take the month to slowly transition. The bigger space just seems so intimidating right now.
{Organizing} ALL. THE. THINGS! We have the camper which will have to be organized while we decide what's staying in the camper (we are keeping it and planning alllll the road trips) and what's going into the new house. We also had tons of stuff in storage at our Orlando house (our renters were amazing) and spend two full weekends downsizing that and fixing up the house for sale. Honestly, it's amazing how easy it is to get rid of stuff you swore you would "need" when you haven't seen it in 4 years.
{Reading} Very slowly at the moment. I listened to 5 books while we were fixing up the house and it was amazing! Made me want to flip houses so I can just paint, scrape, and listen to books all day. Since then however, I have been trying to make it through The Maidens (audio) and The Dark Lure (physical read).
These are the books I listened to while I was painting and I would recommend all of them!!
The One: Such a unique perspective on dating apps. It matches you with "The One" by blood type.
Mother May I: If you love Joshilyn Jackson like I do give this one a try. Her last two books are a shift from her typical style and I did NOT like the previous book, but I did enjoy this.
The 6th (and final) School for Good and Evil Story: Middle grade fiction that's great for adults who like fairytale adaptations. Centers around children of famous fairytale characters, plus "readers" from the real world. A tale of friendship and sisterhood. Currently free on Hoopla.
The Moonlight Child: Currently free on Hoopla and a good, easy yet suspenseful listen.
{Resolving} I don't really do resolutions, because I am horribly inconsistent. However, I do have some goals for 2022. Even if I don't meet them having a goal really helps keep me focused and moving forward.
Goals for 2022
{Scheduling} Deliveries for the new house. We need so many things and I have no desire to actually buy anything. Maybe we'll just sit on the cardboard boxes after they bring the fridge.
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Packing Hacks For a 4 Bedroom House
Packing hacks can help make big moves less stressful!
We hope that we can do it all but when it comes to moving, the reality is that we can’t. At least not efficiently and while maintaining the slim bit of sanity we try to hold onto when the moving process gets hectic. While it might be extremely easy to think of all the things that could go wrong or already begin to daydream about what your new life in a new city will look like, you first need to figure out how you are going to get everyone and your belongings there in one peace. When it comes to moving, there are few packing hacks that can make it easier for you!